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Create New Student Profile

Student profile is for the person enrolling in the class.

If you are registering your CHILD, please complete a profile under his or her own name.  If you are registering a child under the age of 18, you are encouraged to create a "Household Profile" for your family (Select the Household Profile option)  

If you have problems creating a profile please contact us at 706.507.8070



* denotes required information.

You will use your email address as your username on this site.
 Privacy Policy
Password: minimum 8 characters, must contain a number and any two of the following three: upper case, lower case, special characters (for example: (){}!@$%^&*)
Mail preference
May we include you on our mailing lists?
Yes No

If your company is not available in the list, select ** Add Company ** and you will be prompted to add your company's information after submitting this form.

Primary Address
Secondary Address

Additional phone
E-mail Preference
Yes No
Receive course related info via e-mail?
Level of Education
Job Title

Type or area of employment
How did you hear about us?
Newspaper Ad
Newspaper Catalog Insert
Internet Search
Direct Mail to Home
Direct Mail to Work
Word of Mouth
None specified
Male Female